

SHOW SUMMARY Theatresports at Unexpected Productions is Seattle’s popular weekly, high-stakes, competitive improv comedy show. Based on audience suggestions, two teams of incredible improvisers rumble, creating exciting fast-paced improv games, hilarious stories,...
Season 4: Pirates of Drinax

Season 4: Pirates of Drinax

SHOW SUMMARY Back again by popular demand! Pirates of Drinax renewed for season 4. Come see what will happen to these privateers as Viridian seeps deeper into the crew. How long before it tears them all apart? And what IS happening to Sue?  Noble by birth, Terrica has...
Seattle Secrets

Seattle Secrets

SHOW SUMMARY Seattle Secrets explores secrets anonymously submitted by you and other Seattleites. This improvised show shows us the memories in our hearts and minds are some of the most powerful stories we can tell. You can see it alive in projects like PostSecret,...